Our Essential Monthly Maintenance checks provides thorough inspections and condition reports, ensuring you have the highest uptime of your equipment.
With the option for fixed pricing this suits equipment working long term in a single location and is ideal for Quarries, Landscape Supply yards and Large Construction Projects.
Pricing can include Travel Costs, Labour, Consumables and Limited Fluid Top Ups. All tailored to your needs
Pricing is determined by size and location of Equipment as Follows
Small (up to 8T) from $200 per Machine
Medium (10T to 25T) from $250 per Machine
Large (30T and Above) from $300 per machine
Above pricing includes time on site, Fluid top up (5Ltr Total), greasing (Excludes Auto Lube) and Consumables used. Travel Costs Excluded
Complete on site servicing including responsible waste product removal and disposal. Comprehensive checks and defects report included.
Options range from Capped on site Labour, Fixed travel Charges or Ad-Hoc.
Contact us to discuss your needs and how we can help you.
On site Machine Repair and Servicing
Hydraulic Repair and Diagnosing
Component Repairs, Rebuild and Replacement
Workshop Overflow Assistance